The story starts at the seashore, in a romantic rocky cove with a sandy beach. At night, hundreds of starfish were thrown out onto the sandy beach by the large waves, a big expanse of nature’s beauty exposed to everyone’s view. But the scorching sun started shining and the starfish began to die.Two men are on the beach, each coming from a different direction. The first one, walking towards the middle of the beach, looks at that dying starfish and sadly thinks: “What beauty, treasure and value, but they will die and vanish. Why is it possible that such beauty and splendor from the ocean depths decays in a minute? And there are so many of them. It seems wrong that these beautiful starfish have to die and disappear. Saddened, he keeps strolling and thinking; and thinking about it is all he does. The other man, coming from the opposite direction, walks slowly with a concerned expression on his face. Every now and then he bends down and throws something into the sea. When they meet, the first man sees the other one throwing starfish into the sea.
Approaching him, the first man asked: “What are you doing?”
The other one answered: “I am returning starfish to the sea!”
Surprised, the first one said, “Why? Look how many of them there are! They can’t all stand a chance of survival!”
The other one bends, takes one into his hand, throws it into the sea and says: “But this one does!”
The point of this story is that in our endeavors to help others, we will not be able to assist everyone, but if an opportunity arises to help even one “starfish”, we must act.