31. March 2020.
Just before this, for all of us new, situation with virus and isolation, Centar Zvezda celebrated its 7th birthday.
1. March 2020.
Our HOP family is richer for two more members. Stefan joined in HOP Belgrade at the first day of March and one Stefan joined in February in HOP Nis. Welcome dear residents!
22. February 2020.
In addition to daily duties, exams, jobs of our resident, preparations for the sales exhibition, we regularly go to the cinema and theater, thanks to the good people who donate our tickets.
16. February 2020.
We participated in two festivals in February, the Dorcol Platz Handmade Festival and the Night Market in Block 44.
12. February 2020.
We thank the store Nataly from Niš, who donated house chemistry and cosmetics for the young people of the House of Opportunity program.
8. February 2020.
A big thank you to Jovana and the Cineplexx cinema for donating tickets for resident of HOP Nis and Belgrade. Residents of HOP enjoyed the movies!
25. January 2020.
Regular training for professional development of people who directly support the youth through the House of Opportunity program.
22. January 2020.
Our young people from the House of Opportunity in Belgrade actively participated in the Meal for the whole Family campaign, packed and sent groceries to 3 families who told us they needed food.
21. January 2020.
Part of the team of the volleyball club Partizan visited us first with the idea of cooperation and support, and then with gifts for young people and a plan for further support.
12. January 2020.
Three ladies from the Rotary club took us out for dinner and socializing. It was great, thanks from all of us. Happiness is made up of small things, and most often these are precious moments spent together and in a pleasant atmosphere.